Monday, May 18, 2009

Week of May 18, 2009

8th Grade Celebration

This week Wednesday (May 20th) we will have our annual 8th grade celebration at Community Reformed Church. The event starts at 7:30 PM. This is a always a fun and exciting night for all the kids.

Music Events this Week

On Tuesday at 7:00 PM, the 6-12th grade Orchestra will perform at DeWitt Auditorium. On Thursday at 7:30 PM, the Creekside Choirs will perform their end of the year concert, also at DeWitt Auditorium. Come on out to support these fine performers!

Last Week is Coming Fast!

Yes, Memorial Weekend is this next weekend and yes, next week is our last week of school. Crazy! Just a couple of reminders. May 27 and 28 we have delayed start days (start school at 9:45 AM) and on May 29th, we have a half day of school (students dismissed at 10:55 AM). Also, on May 28th (Thursday) the 8th graders will be going to Michigan's Adventure for the day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week of May 4, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. If you have a moment, drop a teacher a note, or send them an e-mail, thanking them for a job well done.

Band Parents - Tulip Time Change of Start Time

This information will also go out with your child(ren). The time for when the 7th and 8th grade bands leave for tulip time on Wednesday has changed. Please have your child(ren) here by 12:30 p.m. as the busses will leave at 12:40 p.m. Thank you!

Tulip Time Week - Half Days on Wednesday and Thursday

Don't forget, this week school dismisses at 10:55 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday for Tulip Time. We encourage you to go to the parades and support the students who are marching!

BookFair at Barnes & Noble (Holland)

Thursday, May 7, from 9 AM to 10 PM if you purchase anything (excludes gift certificates and their cafĂ©) from B&N and use this # 485201 a % of all sales will go to the Creekside library. No additional expense or charge will be added to your bill and you only need to say you want your purchase to benefit Creekside library. If you forget the number, just tell them you want to help Creekside library and they will put in the number for you. So if you’re needing something for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, a graduation, a baby gift, birthday rememberance, or something to read for summer vacation – please choose to shop this Thursday, May 7 and help Creekside earn some book buying power.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week of April 27, 2009

Air Jam Was Great Success
Last Friday's Air Jam was awesome. The students did a fantastic job in their performances and the student body was a great audience. The staff had a great time doing their rendition of "Rock Band" (you may want to ask your kid(s) about that!).

Here is a list of the students who participated:

Alice Schipper & Cam Wolbrink (sing)
Mason Kubiak (dance)
Natalie VandenHeuvel (sing)
Melissa VanOmen (piano)
Noah Gilleylen (martial arts)
Angel Gatchell (sing)
Brooke Karafa (piano)
Breana Sturgill & Courtney Wolbrink (sing & dance)
Corey Dushane (sing)
Allie Vruggink (sing)
Josh Owen & Kam Twork (dance)
Katie Biedler (sing)

Parent Meeting Tonight (6:30 PM in the Quack Shack)
There is a meeting for any parent interested in discussing the recent student participation issues. The meeting should last for about an hour.

Reminder... Tulip Time half days next week.
Next week Wednesday and Thursday (May 6 and 7) students will be dismissed at 10:55 AM.

Support the Creekside Media Center
On Thursday May 7th from Noon - 10 PM, the Creekside Media Center is being sponsored by Holland's Barnes & Noble. A portion of all purchases (using the correct code) will go to the Creekside Media Center. Your son/daughter will be taking home a voucher with more information and a code. If you do not have your voucher, you can still have credit go towards Creekside by using the code #485201. Thanks for your support!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week of April 20, 2009

Thank You Volunteers!

On Friday, April 17th we had a thank you celebration for our volunteers. We get so many people that help make our school a great place to be, and they do so because they just want to help. How great is that?!

Volunteers, please accept a big thank you from the Creekside Staff for all the amazing things you do to help us out.

Innocademy Coming to Creekside

For the 2009-10 school year, Creekside will be partnering with Innocademy to help provide some middle school components for their 6-8th graders. Since Innocademy is relocating to Roosevelt Elementary, it is a natural move for their 6-8th grade students to work with Creekside. The 6-8th grade students in Innocademy will be taking some elective type courses and will be able to particiapte in after school activities through the programming at Creekside. Innocademy students will be spending about two hours per day at Creekside.

The Innocademy program has been a great success and we look forward to this partnership! If you would like to know more about Innocademy, visit

Air Jam on Friday, April 24th!

One of the coolest activities that we do all year happens this coming Friday! Air Jam!! The "curtain" will drop at 1:20 PM and the kids are pumped to bring their best! Come join us to watch this awesome talent show in the large gym. It's always a great time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week of April 13, 2009

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a restful break from school. Personally, I had a great break and I feel re- energized for the final run to the end of the school year. As I watched this morning's weather forecast, I saw 60 degrees in this week's forecast. I am sure that will feel great!

Just to show the "principal" side of me, I just want to convey the need to finish the school year strong. As the weather does improve, and as the outdoor activities take hold, it is easy to let the studies slide a little. Please do your best to encourage your child to finish this year off doing their best!

Thanks again for your continued support.

MEAP Scores Released

The Fall 2008 MEAP scores have been released and Creekside did well. While I must pay some attention to how we stack up against other schools, I pay the most attention to how each child improves from one year to the next. In this respect, over 90% of the kids at Creekside improved their score in all areas! That is very exciting.

If you would like to see our scores you can click on the link below. If you want to know the percent of students that passed the area you will want to look a the line titled "Met or Exceeded".

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week of March 30, 2009

Time Keeps on Ticking

Once we get back from Spring Break, we have only 34 school days left. And that's counting all the half days around tulip time and the other shortened days at the end of the year. That's crazy! Please encourage your son/daughter to keep up with their studies. As it begins to warm up, it's easy to get "Spring Fever" and want to do other things rather that get that homework done. Encourage your child to put forth a consistent effort and to finish the year strong!

Ball Gloves Needed

Ms. Talbot is wondering if you're able to donate an old ball glove? She would like to do a unit with her encore class on softball and many of the gloves that we have are broken. If you are doing some spring garage cleaning and have a glove or two that you are willing to donate, you can drop them off in the office. Thanks!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week of March 23, 2009

Club Zero for 4th Term Announced

On Friday, March 20th, I had the privilege of handing out 119 ice cream treats and free homework passes during lunch. For a student to make it into Club Zero, (s)he must have zero tardies, zero discipline referrals (visits to our Student Responsibility Center), and zero late assignments. Congratulations to all the students who attained the Three Zeros!

Tips For Helping Kids and Teens With Homework and Study Habits

Check out this website to get some tips to help your child be successful in school:

Date set for Parent Discussion

On Monday, April 27th, 6:30-7:30 PM in the Creekside Quack Shack we will have an open parent meeting to discuss some of the recent lack of student interest in school activities. If you would like to help provide input to help get more students involved in school activities, please come to this meeting.

iPod - please report if seen

(2nd Posting) We had an iPod Nano taken during the 8th grade lunch time a few weeks ago. If you have seen an iPod that you do not think belongs to a child, please report it immediately. Thank you!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week of March 16, 2009

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Farm Bureau Insurance Essay Winners!

On Monday, March 16th the Zeeland Board will recognize three Creekside 8th graders for their essay's in winning this year's Farm Bureau Insurance Essay Contest. This year's winners are:

The third place essay entitled, Risk Turned to Prosperity, was written by NATHAN LONG.

The second place essay entitled, My Grandma – My Michigan Hero, was written by JAMIE BAARMAN.

The first place essay entitled, Running With Courage, was written by DANIEL PUGH.

A special thank-you needs to go out to Mr. Nolan Kamer of Farm Bureau Insurance for sponsoring this great contest. Also thanks to Veldheer Tulip Gardens and Crazy Horse Steak House for donating gift certificates to the winning essayists.


And the survey says....

This past week we had the 7th and 8th graders complete a survey to help us determine why they didn't purchase a ticket to the 7th and 8th grade Late Nighter. We had over 250 students give us their input. Here are a few quick takes that I came away with from the survey results:
  • 50% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because: "My friends said they weren't going" OR " I just didn't care to go (didn't depend on activities)"
  • 18% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because of the cost.
  • 16% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because of a Date/Time Conflict.
  • 16% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because they were not interested in the activities that were being offered.
  • This is the percent of students answering "What activities would you like to have at an event? (check all that apply)":

73% - Other video games (X-Box, Wii, etc...)
72% - Limo Ride
72% - Open gym for basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, etc...
68% - Inflatables (obstacle course, jousting, etc...)
64% - Dance-Dance Revolution and/or Guitar Hero
61% - Movie
59% - Special Guest Comedian or Magician
57% - Airbrush Tattoo
55% - Ping pong and/or Foosball (possible tournament)
42% - Dress-Up Photos (you and friends dress up and have props for a fun photo)
39% - Karaoke
33% - Caricature Drawings
24% - Board or Card Games
24% - Crafts

Of course, we now ask ourselves, "now what?". At this time, we are going to work a three-prong approach to this problem. I am in the process of working with our Student Council to determine how to use this data to create a better activity night. Secondly, I will also be talking with the Creekside staff, and lastly, I would like to put together a meeting for any parents who might be interested in discussing this issue. We are working out dates and times for the parent meeting now, so look for that information in a future note! Thanks!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 19 - 5th Graders Visit the Music Programs
March 19 - Creekside Science Challenge @ Muskegon College
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 20 - Popcorn Friday
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week of March 9, 2009

Spring is Almost Here!

Although I see some snow in the forecast later this week, I do believe that Spring is just around the corner. Just a quick reminder to check with your child(ren) on their school attire. As the days get warmer, kids will begin to wear a little less clothing. All shorts and skirts need to be at least finger-tip in length. For girls, there can be no midriff showing, and tank tops need to have at least a one inch strap. For guys, no tank tops or muscle shirts. Also, we are seeing more jeans with holes - just make sure the holes are below the knees. Thanks!

Ipod - please return if found

An ipod was taken from a student during 8th grade lunch this week. If you hear about or see an ipod that you have questions about, please inform Mr. Eding (748-3301 or It is a black ipod nano. Thanks!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 9 – Report Cards Handed Out
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quick, Important Announcement

7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter Canceled

The usually popular 7th and 8th grade Late-nighter has been canceled due to a lack of interest. About 50 students (of 310) bought a ticket for this year's event. In the past, this event has had over 90% participation, so we are a bit puzzled. Over the next couple of weeks we will survey the students to see if we can find the cause, and to see if we can possibly reschedule something for later in the school year.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week of March 2, 2009

Teaching your children appropriate cell phone usage.

Since Christmas I have received about 10 cell phones that were taken from kids within school. As I noted in a previous post, this was due to the student using their phone during school hours. I realize the convenience of a cell phone, and actually, as a staff we are struggling to find the right balance for when and where to allow students to use their phones in school. As it now sits, students are to keep their phone in their locker during school hours.

For the parents, I have some more information that you may find helpful. By and far, kids are not using their cell phones for actual phone calls. Texting between friends has taken over. I would suggest that you check out your son/daughter's cell phone on occasion and read through some of their text messages. You may find them interesting.

One last note. In last week's February 23rd edition of Newsweek Magazine there was an article by Dahlia Lithwick that I think is worth reading. This article talks about the use of sending photos over cell phones and how teens are abusing this function. I found this article to be a little "over the top", but it did make me think. Check it out:

Mandated Reporters - What does that mean?

Michigan law requires that certain people report any case of suspected child abuse or child neglect to the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS). All school administrators, school counselors, and school teachers are mandated reporters.

Michigan law requires us to file a report when we have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. School personnel are NOT required to determine whether abuse or neglect has actually occurred - that is the job of the DHS. School personnel are simply to report whenever we suspect that abuse or neglect MAY have occurred.

I am writing this note just as an FYI. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe a child is being neglected or abused, please call the Michigan Department of Human Services at 1-800-942-4357.

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 2 - Parent - Teacher Conferences for Middle and High School (3-7PM)
March 6 - 7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter
March 9 – Report Cards Handed Out
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week of February 23rd, 2009

??Late Nighter??

The 7th and 8th grade Late Nighter is scheduled for Friday, March 6th from 6-10PM. Sales have been VERY slow for this normally popular event. All tickets are sold ahead of time, no tickets will be sold at the door. If your son/daughter is interested in attending, please have them bring their $10 and sign up at lunch soon!

Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

In a survey of all 7th grade students, about 60% of them had their own cell phone. That's quite a number! I just thought I would let we handle the use of cell phones and electronic devices in school.

Students are welcome to bring their MP3 players, cell phone, iTouch, etc. devices to school. Many kids listen to their iPod on the bus, or use their phone after school, and this is not a problem. What we ask is that kids store their device in their locker and not take it into class. When we see these devices out during the school day, they get placed in the front office. The first time this happens, we give the device back to the student at the end of the day. The second time, we keep the device until a parent picks it up.

We hope that students learn to use their (very cool) device(s) in a responsible manner that does not interfere with the school environment. Thank you for your help in this!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

February 27 - End of Marking Period 4 & Twin Dress-up Day
March 2-6 - Spirit Week - Lollipop Sale
March 2 - Parent - Teacher Conferences for Middle and High School (3-7PM)
March 6 - 7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week of February 16, 2009

Thank you 6th Grade Parents!

Thanks to our 6th grade parent, the 6th Grade Bash was a huge success! About 100 students participated in the event that ran after school until 6 PM. All students received a custom "Dux Pride" t-shirt from the event. A big thank you needs to go out to the many parents that planned and helped run this year's 6th Grade Bash!

Successful Food Drive

The Creekside Student Council sponsored a food drive to benefit the Holland Rescue Mission. Overall, the drive was very successful with almost 1,700 items donated. The 6th graders were the big winners, donating a total of 674 items, just edging out the 8th graders total of 619 donated items. By winning, the 6th graders earned a movie and popcorn event!

Thanks to all who helped donate to this great cause!

Parent Conferences Coming Monday, March 2nd

This spring, Creekside is holding a one-evening parent-teacher conference. March 2nd, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. the teachers will be available to talk with you about the progress of your middle school child. This would be a great time to discuss any concerns that you have regarding both the academic progress from this school year, or to help answer questions that you may have regarding next school year.

Due to the time constraints, we are not scheduling specific conferences with each parent / guardian. Instead, feel free to drop-in at any time from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to talk with one or more of your child’s teachers. We encourage you to come as early as possible, as our busiest time is traditionally after 5 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you on March 2nd!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

February 16 - Teacher Professional Development day - no school!
February 19 - 21 - "Once Upon a Mattress" Creekside Musical at Lokers
February 27 - End of Marking Period 4 & Twin Dress-up Day
March 2-6 - Spirit Week - Lollipop Sale
March 2 - Parent - Teacher Conferences for Middle and High School (3-7PM)
March 6 - 7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week of February 9, 2009

Student Council Sponsors Food Drive

February 9-13 the Creekside Student Council is sponsoring a food drive for the Holland Rescue Mission. Students can bring their donation to their homeroom classes. The grade level that collects the most will get to watch the movie Wall-E. If the entire school brings in more than 1000 items, the entire school will not have homework on Friday the 13th!

I know there are a lot of families struggling to make ends meet and anything that you can help with will be appreciated. Thank you!

Winter Student Count Day is Wednesday, February 11th

You may not have realized this, but there are really two student count days every year. The fall count day, which comprises 75% of the funding per pupil, and the winter count day, which comprises the remaining 25% of the funding per pupil.

Is it important that your child is in attendance on this day? You bet! Although there are ways that we can still get funding for a student, it is much easier if the child is in attendance on the assigned "count day".

Thanks for your help in getting your kids to school!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

February 11 - Winter Student Count Day (please try to have your kids at school on this day!)
February 12 - 6th Grade Party from 2:45 - 6 PM
February 16 - Teacher Professional Development day - no school!
February 19 - 21 - "Once Upon a Mattress" Creekside Musical at Lokers
February 27 - End of Marking Period 4

Monday, February 2, 2009

Week of February 2, 2009

8th Grade Parents... Don't Forget!

Tonight, Monday February 2, from 7 - 8 PM at DeWitt Auditorium is the 8th-9th grade orientation put on by the high school. You will learn all about the options and requirements that your 8th grader will have for their high school years. Don't miss out!

A Note from Superintendent Feenstra's Office...

Although the economy is faltering, Zeeland Public Schools continues to grow in student population. That means we need to provide adequate classroom space. How will the district handle this situation? Superintendent Gary L. Feenstra is meeting this winter and spring with parent groups to explain the district facility study. This is a long range plan created with input from nearly 700 of our parents, citizens and ZPS staff members. Mr. Feenstra will meet with Creekside parents during our next Parent Advisory on Thursday, February 12th at 1:30 pm. Feel free to join us!

The Student Responsibility Center (SRC):

This year Creekside started a new discipline process that I am sure you have all heard about from your son/daughter. In the past, Creekside utilized a traditional approach to school discipline that utilized the “payment” of time (detentions/Saturday school) for student issues. This approach has proven to be ineffective, as approximately 80% of the students who broke the rules, continued down the same path.

Creekside’s new discipline approach uses the Responsible Thinking Process. The Responsible Thinking Process is a discipline process that teaches students how to think through what they are doing in relationship to the rules of wherever they are (i.e., classroom, cafeteria, playground, hallways, etc.). The key component of this process is its focus on teaching students how to achieve their goals without getting in the way of others that are trying to do the same thing. It teaches students how to take responsibility for their actions by developing their ability to think for themselves, while respecting the rights of others.

The Student Responsibility Center (SRC) is where students are referred when they continue to violate the rights of others. In the SRC, students work on a plan to learn how to achieve what they want without interfering with the rights of others. If a student chooses to disrupt the learning process in the classroom, the teacher will initiate a series of questions that are designed to allow students to think about what they want in relationship to the rules of the classroom. If the student continues to be disruptive, then he/she has made the choice to go to the SRC.

In the SRC, the student will create a written plan to deal with their disruptions. The plan must be negotiated and discussed with the teacher before returning to class. Students who choose to attend the SRC 3 times in a marking period will meet with the Principal who will go through their issues and will make a call home to inform their parents.

Our SRC has been in operation since the start of this school year. We have made a few changes along the way, but overall this new system is working great.

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

February 2 - 8th Grade Orientation (for High School) at DeWitt Auditorium
February 6 - Disney Dress Up Day (sponsored by the Student Council)
February 11 - Winter Student Count Day (please try to have your kids at school on this day!)
February 12 - 6th Grade Party from 2:45 - 6 PM
February 16 - Teacher Professional Development day - no school!
February 19 - 21 - "Once Upon a Mattress" Creekside Musical at Lokers

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week of January 26, 2009

Club Zero Begins!

Club Zero is a school-wide program that we started last year. In talking with staff, we decided to re-start this popular program for marking periods 3, 4, 5 and 6. All students have the chance to be in Club Zero - and it has nothing to do with grades. For a marking period, students who have Zero tardies, Zero behavior referrals, and Zero late / missing assignments automatically are a part of Club Zero. For Marking Period 3, we had 116 students make the Zero list. These students are receiving a coupon for one free homework assignment (has to be arranged ahead of time with teacher), and one free treat (will be handed out at lunch on Tuesday, Jan. 27). Way to go students!

7th Grade Lunch Stuff

This has been a very interesting year for our 7th graders. We have had many issues between 7th grade students that I would describe as "mean", or even bullying. A majority of these issues have occurred during class passing times, or at lunch time. For all these issues, we have noticed a trend - they occur in groups - and they are very difficult to pin down a specific student for conduct.

In order to help this problem, the 7th grade teachers and I created a "behavior plan" to help guide the student's behavior. Basically, this behavior plan used the stop light philosophy...

Green Light Day: No restrictions, lunch as normal.
Yellow Light Day: Assigned Seats, must wait to be released from table by adult
Red Light Day: Assigned Seats, must stay in assigned seats until the end of the lunch period

We have had a few Yellow Light days, and one Red Light day so far (since December 10th) - and our student's behavior, on a whole, has gotten much better.

As a side note, I would like to say that I do not like to do "whole group" discipline, as some students get punished for the actions of others. With this issue, we had a problem that was very wide-spread, and was very difficult to pin down - and we needed to do something. So far, it is working - and we will always try to work at getting specific in our discipline. Hopefully, we have Green Light days for the rest of the year!

Friday is Open Gym Night

On Friday, the Orchestra (high school and middle schools), is sponsoring an Open Gym night at Creekside from 7 - 9 PM. Kids can purchase tickets to this event for $5 (Tues-Fri during lunch). Students should be reminded that once they enter the building, they are expected to stay for the duration of the evening. Events will include DDR, Guitar Hero, basketball, volleyball, board games, and more...!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:
January 26 - Dress up day - Green and Gold Day
January 26-29 - 6th Grade IOWA Testing
January 30 - Popcorn Friday
January 30 - Open Gym Night from 7-9 PM, sponsored by the Orchestra
February 2 - 8th Grade Orientation (for High School) at DeWitt Auditorium
February 12 - 6th Grade Party from 2:45 - 6 PM
February 16 - Teacher Professional Development day - no school!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Welcome to this new blog!

Hello Creekside Family!

Welcome to 2009. We sure have had our share of winter weather this year. Throughout the year, I have talked with several parents about ideas to make our school better. During these conversations, the one thing that continues to come up is communication. So... this is my first stab at that problem. Please bookmark this blog website and visit it on a weekly basis. I will try to keep it updated each week (hopefully by Tuesday morning). If you ever have any questions or concerns, please give me a call (748-3301) or e-mail ( Thank you!!

Week of January 19, 2009:

Welcome Administrative Intern
If you are in the building during the school day, please take a minute to welcome Mr. Tony Vruggink, a GVSU graduate student who is interning under Mr. Eding through February. Mr. Vruggink is completing his course work to become a school administrator and is working with Mr. Eding in the day to day operations of the school.

Second Semester Begins
Monday, January 19th begins our second semester. Report cards will be mailed out sometime this week.

Upcoming Dates of Interest:
January 23 - Dress up day - Pirate and Princess Day
January 23 - 7th and 8th Grade Band Plays at the Griffin's Game
January 26 - Dress up day - Green and Gold Day
January 26-29 - 6th Grade IOWA Testing
January 30 - Popcorn Friday
January 30 - Open Gym Night from 7-9 PM, sponsored by the Orchestra
February 2 - 8th Grade Orientation (for High School) at DeWitt Auditorium
February 12 - 6th Grade Party from 2:45 - 6 PM