Monday, March 9, 2009

Week of March 9, 2009

Spring is Almost Here!

Although I see some snow in the forecast later this week, I do believe that Spring is just around the corner. Just a quick reminder to check with your child(ren) on their school attire. As the days get warmer, kids will begin to wear a little less clothing. All shorts and skirts need to be at least finger-tip in length. For girls, there can be no midriff showing, and tank tops need to have at least a one inch strap. For guys, no tank tops or muscle shirts. Also, we are seeing more jeans with holes - just make sure the holes are below the knees. Thanks!

Ipod - please return if found

An ipod was taken from a student during 8th grade lunch this week. If you hear about or see an ipod that you have questions about, please inform Mr. Eding (748-3301 or It is a black ipod nano. Thanks!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 9 – Report Cards Handed Out
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins