Monday, February 2, 2009

Week of February 2, 2009

8th Grade Parents... Don't Forget!

Tonight, Monday February 2, from 7 - 8 PM at DeWitt Auditorium is the 8th-9th grade orientation put on by the high school. You will learn all about the options and requirements that your 8th grader will have for their high school years. Don't miss out!

A Note from Superintendent Feenstra's Office...

Although the economy is faltering, Zeeland Public Schools continues to grow in student population. That means we need to provide adequate classroom space. How will the district handle this situation? Superintendent Gary L. Feenstra is meeting this winter and spring with parent groups to explain the district facility study. This is a long range plan created with input from nearly 700 of our parents, citizens and ZPS staff members. Mr. Feenstra will meet with Creekside parents during our next Parent Advisory on Thursday, February 12th at 1:30 pm. Feel free to join us!

The Student Responsibility Center (SRC):

This year Creekside started a new discipline process that I am sure you have all heard about from your son/daughter. In the past, Creekside utilized a traditional approach to school discipline that utilized the “payment” of time (detentions/Saturday school) for student issues. This approach has proven to be ineffective, as approximately 80% of the students who broke the rules, continued down the same path.

Creekside’s new discipline approach uses the Responsible Thinking Process. The Responsible Thinking Process is a discipline process that teaches students how to think through what they are doing in relationship to the rules of wherever they are (i.e., classroom, cafeteria, playground, hallways, etc.). The key component of this process is its focus on teaching students how to achieve their goals without getting in the way of others that are trying to do the same thing. It teaches students how to take responsibility for their actions by developing their ability to think for themselves, while respecting the rights of others.

The Student Responsibility Center (SRC) is where students are referred when they continue to violate the rights of others. In the SRC, students work on a plan to learn how to achieve what they want without interfering with the rights of others. If a student chooses to disrupt the learning process in the classroom, the teacher will initiate a series of questions that are designed to allow students to think about what they want in relationship to the rules of the classroom. If the student continues to be disruptive, then he/she has made the choice to go to the SRC.

In the SRC, the student will create a written plan to deal with their disruptions. The plan must be negotiated and discussed with the teacher before returning to class. Students who choose to attend the SRC 3 times in a marking period will meet with the Principal who will go through their issues and will make a call home to inform their parents.

Our SRC has been in operation since the start of this school year. We have made a few changes along the way, but overall this new system is working great.

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

February 2 - 8th Grade Orientation (for High School) at DeWitt Auditorium
February 6 - Disney Dress Up Day (sponsored by the Student Council)
February 11 - Winter Student Count Day (please try to have your kids at school on this day!)
February 12 - 6th Grade Party from 2:45 - 6 PM
February 16 - Teacher Professional Development day - no school!
February 19 - 21 - "Once Upon a Mattress" Creekside Musical at Lokers