Monday, April 27, 2009

Week of April 27, 2009

Air Jam Was Great Success
Last Friday's Air Jam was awesome. The students did a fantastic job in their performances and the student body was a great audience. The staff had a great time doing their rendition of "Rock Band" (you may want to ask your kid(s) about that!).

Here is a list of the students who participated:

Alice Schipper & Cam Wolbrink (sing)
Mason Kubiak (dance)
Natalie VandenHeuvel (sing)
Melissa VanOmen (piano)
Noah Gilleylen (martial arts)
Angel Gatchell (sing)
Brooke Karafa (piano)
Breana Sturgill & Courtney Wolbrink (sing & dance)
Corey Dushane (sing)
Allie Vruggink (sing)
Josh Owen & Kam Twork (dance)
Katie Biedler (sing)

Parent Meeting Tonight (6:30 PM in the Quack Shack)
There is a meeting for any parent interested in discussing the recent student participation issues. The meeting should last for about an hour.

Reminder... Tulip Time half days next week.
Next week Wednesday and Thursday (May 6 and 7) students will be dismissed at 10:55 AM.

Support the Creekside Media Center
On Thursday May 7th from Noon - 10 PM, the Creekside Media Center is being sponsored by Holland's Barnes & Noble. A portion of all purchases (using the correct code) will go to the Creekside Media Center. Your son/daughter will be taking home a voucher with more information and a code. If you do not have your voucher, you can still have credit go towards Creekside by using the code #485201. Thanks for your support!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Week of April 20, 2009

Thank You Volunteers!

On Friday, April 17th we had a thank you celebration for our volunteers. We get so many people that help make our school a great place to be, and they do so because they just want to help. How great is that?!

Volunteers, please accept a big thank you from the Creekside Staff for all the amazing things you do to help us out.

Innocademy Coming to Creekside

For the 2009-10 school year, Creekside will be partnering with Innocademy to help provide some middle school components for their 6-8th graders. Since Innocademy is relocating to Roosevelt Elementary, it is a natural move for their 6-8th grade students to work with Creekside. The 6-8th grade students in Innocademy will be taking some elective type courses and will be able to particiapte in after school activities through the programming at Creekside. Innocademy students will be spending about two hours per day at Creekside.

The Innocademy program has been a great success and we look forward to this partnership! If you would like to know more about Innocademy, visit

Air Jam on Friday, April 24th!

One of the coolest activities that we do all year happens this coming Friday! Air Jam!! The "curtain" will drop at 1:20 PM and the kids are pumped to bring their best! Come join us to watch this awesome talent show in the large gym. It's always a great time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week of April 13, 2009

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a restful break from school. Personally, I had a great break and I feel re- energized for the final run to the end of the school year. As I watched this morning's weather forecast, I saw 60 degrees in this week's forecast. I am sure that will feel great!

Just to show the "principal" side of me, I just want to convey the need to finish the school year strong. As the weather does improve, and as the outdoor activities take hold, it is easy to let the studies slide a little. Please do your best to encourage your child to finish this year off doing their best!

Thanks again for your continued support.

MEAP Scores Released

The Fall 2008 MEAP scores have been released and Creekside did well. While I must pay some attention to how we stack up against other schools, I pay the most attention to how each child improves from one year to the next. In this respect, over 90% of the kids at Creekside improved their score in all areas! That is very exciting.

If you would like to see our scores you can click on the link below. If you want to know the percent of students that passed the area you will want to look a the line titled "Met or Exceeded".