Monday, March 30, 2009

Week of March 30, 2009

Time Keeps on Ticking

Once we get back from Spring Break, we have only 34 school days left. And that's counting all the half days around tulip time and the other shortened days at the end of the year. That's crazy! Please encourage your son/daughter to keep up with their studies. As it begins to warm up, it's easy to get "Spring Fever" and want to do other things rather that get that homework done. Encourage your child to put forth a consistent effort and to finish the year strong!

Ball Gloves Needed

Ms. Talbot is wondering if you're able to donate an old ball glove? She would like to do a unit with her encore class on softball and many of the gloves that we have are broken. If you are doing some spring garage cleaning and have a glove or two that you are willing to donate, you can drop them off in the office. Thanks!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Week of March 23, 2009

Club Zero for 4th Term Announced

On Friday, March 20th, I had the privilege of handing out 119 ice cream treats and free homework passes during lunch. For a student to make it into Club Zero, (s)he must have zero tardies, zero discipline referrals (visits to our Student Responsibility Center), and zero late assignments. Congratulations to all the students who attained the Three Zeros!

Tips For Helping Kids and Teens With Homework and Study Habits

Check out this website to get some tips to help your child be successful in school:

Date set for Parent Discussion

On Monday, April 27th, 6:30-7:30 PM in the Creekside Quack Shack we will have an open parent meeting to discuss some of the recent lack of student interest in school activities. If you would like to help provide input to help get more students involved in school activities, please come to this meeting.

iPod - please report if seen

(2nd Posting) We had an iPod Nano taken during the 8th grade lunch time a few weeks ago. If you have seen an iPod that you do not think belongs to a child, please report it immediately. Thank you!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week of March 16, 2009

Congratulations to our 8th Grade Farm Bureau Insurance Essay Winners!

On Monday, March 16th the Zeeland Board will recognize three Creekside 8th graders for their essay's in winning this year's Farm Bureau Insurance Essay Contest. This year's winners are:

The third place essay entitled, Risk Turned to Prosperity, was written by NATHAN LONG.

The second place essay entitled, My Grandma – My Michigan Hero, was written by JAMIE BAARMAN.

The first place essay entitled, Running With Courage, was written by DANIEL PUGH.

A special thank-you needs to go out to Mr. Nolan Kamer of Farm Bureau Insurance for sponsoring this great contest. Also thanks to Veldheer Tulip Gardens and Crazy Horse Steak House for donating gift certificates to the winning essayists.


And the survey says....

This past week we had the 7th and 8th graders complete a survey to help us determine why they didn't purchase a ticket to the 7th and 8th grade Late Nighter. We had over 250 students give us their input. Here are a few quick takes that I came away with from the survey results:
  • 50% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because: "My friends said they weren't going" OR " I just didn't care to go (didn't depend on activities)"
  • 18% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because of the cost.
  • 16% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because of a Date/Time Conflict.
  • 16% of the students who did not buy a ticket said they didn't want to attend because they were not interested in the activities that were being offered.
  • This is the percent of students answering "What activities would you like to have at an event? (check all that apply)":

73% - Other video games (X-Box, Wii, etc...)
72% - Limo Ride
72% - Open gym for basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, etc...
68% - Inflatables (obstacle course, jousting, etc...)
64% - Dance-Dance Revolution and/or Guitar Hero
61% - Movie
59% - Special Guest Comedian or Magician
57% - Airbrush Tattoo
55% - Ping pong and/or Foosball (possible tournament)
42% - Dress-Up Photos (you and friends dress up and have props for a fun photo)
39% - Karaoke
33% - Caricature Drawings
24% - Board or Card Games
24% - Crafts

Of course, we now ask ourselves, "now what?". At this time, we are going to work a three-prong approach to this problem. I am in the process of working with our Student Council to determine how to use this data to create a better activity night. Secondly, I will also be talking with the Creekside staff, and lastly, I would like to put together a meeting for any parents who might be interested in discussing this issue. We are working out dates and times for the parent meeting now, so look for that information in a future note! Thanks!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 19 - 5th Graders Visit the Music Programs
March 19 - Creekside Science Challenge @ Muskegon College
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 20 - Popcorn Friday
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins

Monday, March 9, 2009

Week of March 9, 2009

Spring is Almost Here!

Although I see some snow in the forecast later this week, I do believe that Spring is just around the corner. Just a quick reminder to check with your child(ren) on their school attire. As the days get warmer, kids will begin to wear a little less clothing. All shorts and skirts need to be at least finger-tip in length. For girls, there can be no midriff showing, and tank tops need to have at least a one inch strap. For guys, no tank tops or muscle shirts. Also, we are seeing more jeans with holes - just make sure the holes are below the knees. Thanks!

Ipod - please return if found

An ipod was taken from a student during 8th grade lunch this week. If you hear about or see an ipod that you have questions about, please inform Mr. Eding (748-3301 or It is a black ipod nano. Thanks!

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 9 – Report Cards Handed Out
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quick, Important Announcement

7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter Canceled

The usually popular 7th and 8th grade Late-nighter has been canceled due to a lack of interest. About 50 students (of 310) bought a ticket for this year's event. In the past, this event has had over 90% participation, so we are a bit puzzled. Over the next couple of weeks we will survey the students to see if we can find the cause, and to see if we can possibly reschedule something for later in the school year.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week of March 2, 2009

Teaching your children appropriate cell phone usage.

Since Christmas I have received about 10 cell phones that were taken from kids within school. As I noted in a previous post, this was due to the student using their phone during school hours. I realize the convenience of a cell phone, and actually, as a staff we are struggling to find the right balance for when and where to allow students to use their phones in school. As it now sits, students are to keep their phone in their locker during school hours.

For the parents, I have some more information that you may find helpful. By and far, kids are not using their cell phones for actual phone calls. Texting between friends has taken over. I would suggest that you check out your son/daughter's cell phone on occasion and read through some of their text messages. You may find them interesting.

One last note. In last week's February 23rd edition of Newsweek Magazine there was an article by Dahlia Lithwick that I think is worth reading. This article talks about the use of sending photos over cell phones and how teens are abusing this function. I found this article to be a little "over the top", but it did make me think. Check it out:

Mandated Reporters - What does that mean?

Michigan law requires that certain people report any case of suspected child abuse or child neglect to the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS). All school administrators, school counselors, and school teachers are mandated reporters.

Michigan law requires us to file a report when we have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect. School personnel are NOT required to determine whether abuse or neglect has actually occurred - that is the job of the DHS. School personnel are simply to report whenever we suspect that abuse or neglect MAY have occurred.

I am writing this note just as an FYI. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe a child is being neglected or abused, please call the Michigan Department of Human Services at 1-800-942-4357.

Upcoming Dates of Interest:

March 2 - Parent - Teacher Conferences for Middle and High School (3-7PM)
March 6 - 7th and 8th Grade Late-nighter
March 9 – Report Cards Handed Out
March 20 – Green & Gold Day
March 23 – Spring Sports Practice / Tryout
April 3 – Spring Break Begins